Monday, May 21, 2012

Mixology Monday: Wine on Draft

This weekend we took Mike's parents out to a wonderful steak dinner and we ended up ordering wine. When the waitress came to take our order, she told us about a something called draft wine. It's essentially wine that's been preserved in a large, reusable, stainless steel keg versus an individual bottle.

We were told the process cuts down on the total number of bottles used, the wine lasts longer (up to three months after uncorking) and due to the way it aerates in the steel keg, it actually tastes better. Taste aside, Seattle has always been a very eco-friendly city so it's easy to see why they would serve something like this here.

While we didn't compare a standard bottle with the draft we tried, the draft was absolutely delicious and went down smoothly. Well worth trying if you've never tried it before.

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